Benedict Bushfire & Draught Relief Donations

Benedict Bushfire & Draught Relief Donations

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology confirmed that 2019 was the hottest, driest year on record. We experienced one of the worst droughts in decades, and heatwave conditions resulting in devastating bushfires. Throughout this destruction it was heartening to see...
Shining Stars – Donation Day

Shining Stars – Donation Day

Last Friday we had the privilege of meeting two inspiring women – Lyn and Kylee the founders of the Shining Stars Foundation. For 4 years they have been running their outreach service across Macarthur and Liverpool. Both Lyn and Kylee have full time jobs and...
Newcastle Knights Fans ‘Clean-Up’

Newcastle Knights Fans ‘Clean-Up’

A young Carrington couple got the surprise of their lives when Newcastle Knight’s players Slade Griffin and Herman Ese’ese knocked on their front door and asked if they’d like a hand cleaning up. Last month Laura Parker and partner Michael Hidalgo entered Benedict’s...

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