• 1991 Acquired Menangle Sand and Soil PTY LTD, which came with Menangle, Springvale and Kangaloon sites
  • 1992 Purchased Warringah Gravel & Stone at Belrose
  • 1993 Dredging Contract Boral Lansvale
  • 1994 Purchased Moorebank land which became a sand quarry
  • 1995 Dredging Contract Boral Cairns
  • 1996 “Order of the Shovel” was initiated
  • 1996 Purchased Head office at Belrose
  • 1996 Benedict Reclamations commences landfilling at Chipping Norton
  • 1998 Late 2000’s Olympic project – Plaque on Olympic drive BSG becomes main landscape remediation supply contractor for the Sydney Olympic 2000 Precinct