- 2000 Purchased 50% of Mittagong Sands from Rocla
- 2000 Commenced Sydney recycling Centres in JV with Veolia
- 2002 Belrose SRC (Sydney Recylicng Centers) commenced
- 2003 “Purchased 33-35 Riverside Road – Chipping Norton”
- 2004 Sold Springvale lands to a developer for housing
- 2004 “purchased property at Menangle (Hillcrest Park)”
Commenced Glass Granulates Business – JV Visy - 2005 Purchased Central Creamery Property
- 2005 Acquired 50% Appin Sands (JV with Paul Arnold)
Lodged an application to permit 350 houses, pub, brewery, accomodation on Creamery Lands at Menangle - 2006 Cowra Quartz – commenced operating in a JV with Rocla
- 2008 BRC took over the SRC operations
- 2009 Purchased 37-39 Riverside Road Chipping Norton