Just before Christmas, Benedict Recycling ran a competition in Newcastle and Wollongong giving local residents the chance to win a Clean-Up Crew for the day. The first lucky winners, Kathleen & Jim Dorman from Warners Bay received a timely visit from our lads – after a retaining wall had collapsed in the Senior’s backyard.

Over the course of the day, the Benedict team removed and transported almost 10 tonnes of brick and rubble back to our Mayfield West facility. Once on site, the waste would be inspected for any foreign matter, before being transformed into one of Benedict’s quality recycled products.

As the image above suggests, Kath & Jim were genuinely grateful for the helping hand and full of praise for Benedict. “This is the true spirit of Christmas” said Kath, delighted in the effort of the team. “We really don’t know what we would have done – Benedict Recycling have saved the day!”

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